D P BuZZ - February 13, 2014

Digital Production BuZZ (AAC) show

Summary: <p> Join Larry Jordan and co-host Michael Horton as they talk with:</p> <p> Sam Mestman, CEO, FCPWORKS</p> <p> Sam Mestman is the CEO of FCPWorks, a company specializing in helping studios make the most of their editing software. This week, Sam joins us to talk about 4K editing, collaboration, plug-ins that simplify editing and a whole host of new technology that is coming to Final Cut Pro X.</p> <p> Mike Timm, Filmmaker, Universal Home Video</p> <p> Mike Timm is a filmmaker who is winning awards with his first project, “A Guy, A Girl, A Space Helmet.” He is prepping and casting his next feature, “Thug in Love.” He joins us this week to talk about the casting process from a director’s point of view.</p> <p> Jared van Fleet, Communications &amp; Business Development, Pond 5</p> <p> Jared van Fleet, Communications and Business Development Director for Pond 5 give us tips on how to make money selling our stock footage.</p> <p> Philip Hodgetts, President, Intelligent Assistance</p> <p> Philip Hodgetts, President of Intelligent Assistance and developer of the Lumberjack System, brings us up to date on new technology to improve getting ready for editing.</p> <p> Frank Morrone, President, Motion Picture Sound Editors</p> <p> High-quality sound is crucial to any successful project and we celebrate the upcoming winners of the MPSE (Motion Picture Sound Editors) awards. MPSE President, Frank Morrone, tells us more about what to expect at their ceremony next week. </p>