LIVE Life Coach Chat: Learning to Go With the Flow of Life

Life Coach Chat Channel show

Summary: Join us for our first ever LIVE IN PERSON OPEN TO THE PUBLIC broadcast!  This weekend, we're putting on our initial Life Coach Radio Networks Workshop Weekend in NYC.  We'll have a studio audience woohoo! We all have hopes, wants and dreams. And the best way to bring them to fruitions is to aim high, put a plan into motion and work really hard. For it’s often difficult to realize one’s desired outcome without putting realistic goals into place. But sometimes life has other plans. Things happen that throw us off track. Or, we do something with the intention of one outcome only to find that something went astray. What do we do at these times? Do we try to force life to follow our plan? This can be a daunting task or it can be amazing!   The 3 hosts for this episode are: Russ Terry - Founder & Executive Producer of Life Coach Radio Networks and author of the upcoming book My Gratitude Journal:  365 days of the people & things I'm grateful for and the lessons you can learn from them, due out in March.  More on him at Tim Billiter - Founder at DIY for your Soul; an NYC Certified Life/Life Purpose Coach on a mission to remind others of who they truly are at the core of their being and then facilitate the creation of a life based on that truth. More on him at   Andrea Ruchelman -  Owner & Head Coach at Run to 1 Coaching focuses on helping you get Out of Your Head & Into You Shoes™ by clearing the mental and emotional hurdles to achieve your fitness goals with confidence! Run to 1 Coaching at & on Twitter @runto1Coaching