LOTRO Reporter Episode 219 – Something Wicked This Way Comes

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: Layanor is back and we talk about a whole bunch of stuff. Listen now:   What We Did in Game Layanor 18% away from rank 13 Cari A little bit of leveling 93.5 News No Pax East Party or Booth This Year https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?&postid=7087932#post7087932 LOTRO will not have a booth, and we won't be having our usual party, but I'm looking to put together something for LOTRO fans to meet up and talk about the game. It will be more along the lines of what I've done in Orlando and Buffalo recently than our previous invitation only parties. I'm also looking at possibly doing something along the same lines fairly soon in Florida and/or possibly North Carolina. So if it all works out, we'll be looking at as many as 3 opportunities to get together with fellow players, in a lot more places than usual. Community Update http://youtu.be/qQNA1FOWZM0 New promotion Screenshot of the week - Details are Coming Taking the Hobbits to Isengard Withywindle https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?539143-Hobbits-to-Isengard-Q-A-with-Sapience-notes-on-what-was-said&p=7093241#post7093241 What is your personal opinion of the LI system Doesn’t have any particular problem with it as it is, but he knows that the team is looking into some stuff. He just got back the preliminary outline of the 20 questions that players submitted, and that question did get answered and it’s something the team is taking a look at. Should we be worried there will be no expansion this year Considering that in the past they’ve done only one expansion a year and no other content, and this year they’re doing 4 content updates and no expansion, they are just responding to a lot of players have been saying over the past year, “How about we take a break from expansions and give us some really great content, flesh out the world, go back and fix some of the older stuff, revamp a few areas, and kind of just focus on improving the game instead of constantly expanding it.” So that’s what they’ve done. Could we get a little info on housing He’s going to hold off until the 20 questions are published because there were some housing questions that got answered there. He says you’re going to be really happy with the answers. Various people asking about future plans for the game All you need to do is read Kate’s letter, she really lays out what’s happening in the first quarter and gives a good overview of what to expect overall. When 20 the questions answers be posted He just got them back, needs to go over them for typos, etc. and then put them up for translation. As soon as all that happens they will be posted. Probably mid next week. If you could session play anything within LotR content, what would it be Probably Sauron at the destruction of the ring, to see it from his point of view. Will there be more raids coming Currently no plans for raids, and he doesn’t see that changing from week to week, at least not for this year. He just saw that this question was answered by the team in the 20 questions, and that is the same answer they gave. No instance cluster raid type content is planned for this year. Are there any real-life meet and greets coming up He is trying to put some together with some players, there are some discussions in that section of the forums. Right now it is looking like early April in Florida in the Orlando area, late March in North Carolina on the Eastern part of the state, and in the Boston area around the Pax timeframe. He will keep everyone updated in the forums as his plans solidify. Does anyone in the office speak Sindarin or Quenya He doesn’t know specifically the numbers but yes, and it’s more than one person. He does not. Do other staff members attend Weatherstock You would probably be surprised at how often staff members have been in your raid, your kin, your fellowship and you haven’t known it. They do not give out info on their personal accounts,