The Week In Review for week ending Feb 7 2014

RNZ: The Week In Review show

Summary: A review of the week's news including... A noisy entrance on to Waitangi's Te Tii Marae for the Governor General, the Government is accused of creating further divisions within New Zealand's largest iwi, Ngapuhi, by offering a cash incentive to speed up a treaty settlement, the Government dismisses Green Party claims that New Zealand's oil industry under the National led government has been a flop, the Prime Minister expected to discuss ongoing leaks from the fugitive American whistle-blower Edward Snowden during discussions with his Australian counterpart in Sydney, a financial analyst says Genesis Energy shares will have to be cheap to attract investors, is the cost of prison healthcare ballooning out of control, a bumper grape growing season in Marlborough causes problems and the author of the Harry Potter books says she now regrets how she ended the series.