Interview with Karl Dawson, EFT Master and Creator of Matrix Reimprinting

EFT Radio  show

Summary: In this week's Financial Healer Show, an  interview with Karl Dawson  Karl Dawson is one of only 29 EFT Founding Masters worldwide. Over the last ten years Karl has taught thousands of EFT trainees from all over the globe how to transform their emotional health to overcome physical and psychological disease by releasing stress and trauma from their energy systems and changing their negative beliefs He is the creator of Matrix Reimprinting which is a modality that uses tapping. Karl’s book, Matrix Reimprinting using EFT, written with co-author Sasha Allenby, was released by Hay House in 2010 and has since been published in 10 languages Karl has presented at Conferences all over the world and alongside some of the biggest names in self-help including Louise Hay, Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Caroline Myss, Lynne McTaggart, Dr David Hamilton and Dr Rupert Sheldrake. For more details please visit or Mark Bristow is a Financial Coach/Mentor and author whose specialty is helping people overcome the mental blocks that prevent them from becoming wealthy. Drawing on his 27 year career in financial services, together with his advanced training in NLP, EFT, and Matrix Reimprinting,  Mark provides a unique insight into how to transform your finances through changing your self-image. Get started with your financial healing! Download the first free chapters of Mark's popular book “The Financial Healer” at - and schedule a Free 30 minute individual session.