Episode Six - Mainstream Vocal Jazz

The AFP548.com Podcast show

Summary: Seb Nash makes his hosting debut, joined by Luis Giraldo of Ook Enterprises. They talk about how Luis got to where he is, consultants as salespeople, and the perils of wireless deployments at tech conferences. Launching his product MonkeyBox gets a fair amount of airtime, and we see some of the behind the scenes process of getting a software project developed and shipped. We're back! Linksies: http://ook.co/ http://pebbleit.com/ https://monkeybox.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200574646-Importing-Devices-from-System-Information-Files-Mac- Luis’ presentation from MacSysAdmin 2012 - http://docs.macsysadmin.se/2012/video/Day1Session3.m4v Luis on iTunes https://itunes.com/luisgiraldo https://twitter.com/sebbo https://twitter.com/luisgiraldo