SDCP 047: Let ‘em up, Seattle, they’ve had enough

The Shutdown Corner Podcast show

Summary: It's over. It's finally over. Not just that merciless Super Bowl beating, but the entire 2013-14 NFL season. On today's episode, we break down what's left of the game and try to determine whether this is more a credit to Seattle's D or a black mark against Denver's offense. What does this say for the future of both teams? Who should have been the real MVP? Will Frank ever get out of snowbound New York? All this and more in today's podcast! Also, programming note: after today, we'll be taking a short hiatus as Kaduk and Busbee work the Winter Olympics. We'll gear back up again in a couple weeks with draft talk, offseason movement, and plenty of other craziness. Make sure you've subscribed to keep up. We thank you so much for all your attention this season. We delivered hundreds of thousands of podcasts to your ears, and considering we weren't even sure we could get our families to listen, we're tremendously proud and grateful. Forget Richard Sherman; you guys are the best. Cheers and happy offseason till we connect again.