Experience Your Wisdom Mind

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Are you are still seeking outside of yourself for answers, but deep down you suspect that they are right there inside of you? The truth is, each one of us has the wisdom to do what is appropriate in every moment. The answers are in each of us within the spaciousness of wisdom mind, the wisdom aspect sometimes referred to in Tibetan Buddhism as the Dakini, which in Sanskrit translates to “she who traverses the sky”or simply put: Sky Dancer. Join Paula today as she interviews Acharya Judith Simmer-Brown, Ph.D., a senior dharma teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, and professor at Naropa University in Boulder Colorado. Judith who is the author of Dakinis Warm Breath, will explore the ways we can move beyond the stilted confines of an ego identified with and bent on keeping us tethered within a small comfort zone, so that we can experience the spaciousness of wisdom mind . HOST:  Paula Horan Ph.D. (Laxmi Dechen Wangmo), is an American psychologist who lives in Asia. A Reiki Master for more than twenty five years and an author of eight books on meditation, alternative health, and non-dual awareness. Her new book Fierce Innocence, which conveys the wisdom of her Jnana Yoga retreats in fostering a radiant self-confidence, is now available at amazon.com/author/paulahoran.