Simon Sinek: YOUR job may literally be killing you. Do you know why?

be intrepid. show

Summary: Reading via email? CLICK HERE to listen now! If you ever ask me why I podcast, I will answer that it affords me the chance to talk to people such as today's guest. Best-selling author Simon Sinek joined me on today's show to discuss his latest work, Leaders Eat Last: Why some teams pull together and others don't. You get into podcasting to talk with gentlemen like Simon. He is the author of the best-seller Start with Why, and his TED videos are amongst the most watched of the entire mind-blowing portfolio. Discussion topics with today's show: 1. We start with what inspires Simon. What is his why? This is, after all, the fellow who wrote the classic book, Start With Why. I ask why he is devoting his life to helping others discover their own mission and purpose. 2. Most organizations will sacrifice people to save the numbers. Shouldn't the goal be an organization that is willing to sacrifice the numbers to save the people? Why is this rare? 3. But why does this happen? Why does our culture foster negative work environments that are far too common? Why is it accepted that work environments have to be negative places? How did we let this happen? Does this start with our parents? 4. Start With Why discussed the WHY we do what we do. Is the next book the WHAT and the HOW? Or is it the continuation of the journey? 5. Is your job literally killing you? Simon shares some compelling dialog about how our biology significantly impacts how we operate and integrate into the modern world. Trust me, you need to hear this. 6. Are you a true leader? Or are you merely an authority? And if you don't know the need to speak with Simon... 7. Does someone have your back? And why does that matter? 8. Leadership is a choice. It is a choice to serve. Not to dictate. 9. Simon shares some practicable counsel on how to take the initial steps towards this new path of modern leadership... 10. Who is responsible here to turn this all around? Is it leadership? Is it the employees? Or is it the responsibility of all of us? Get Simon's newest book here: And get Simon's classic here: ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Simon Sinek, please SUBSCRIBE to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 106. [You shouldn't miss this presentation:]