Disgruntled Entertainment show

Summary: This is the preshow for the new Disgruntled Entertainment podcast. Episode 100 - The Begining Hosted by only me, Adam. Our first true episode will also be hosted by Bryan. If you want to get this automaticaly then download iPodder and setup a new feed. The feed address is: "http://feeds.feedburner.com/DisgruntledEntertainment" without the qutations. if you want to contact us you can email us at: podcast@disgruntledent.com or IM us on AIM, screenname: DisgruntledEnt The SN will only be logged in while we are doing the show. so if its on we are recording. This is to get kind of a liveish feel to the show. And yeah we're using eblogger. Once I can come up with the time to find something better and free it'll change.