EFT and Matrix Reimprinting for Financial Healing

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Have the holidays left you with a January financial hangover? Is your financial situation giving you sleepless nights? Do you self sabotage your financial plans? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then you may just need some first aid for your finances! After 27 years in financial services It wasn’t until I started studying how the mind works that I discovered the secret to why so many people are not in the financial position they desire. Join Mark as he works through a practical demonstration with client and fellow EFT practitioner Angelita Woosnam which demonstrates how to change your self worth in order to increase your net worth. Mark Bristow is a Financial Coach/Mentor and author whose specialty is helping people overcome the mental blocks that prevent them from becoming wealthy. Drawing on his 27 year career in financial services, together with his advanced training in NLP, EFT, and Matrix Reimprinting,  Mark provides a unique insight into how to transform your finances through changing your self-image. Get started with your financial healing! Download the first free chapters of Mark's popular book “The Financial Healer” at www.financialhealer.co.uk - and schedule a Free 30 minute individual session.