Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan (01/27/14) my guest will self confessed "technique freak" and "skill junkie," JC Briar. JC dabbles in all kinds of knitting, but has a special fondness for textured knitting and novel construction techniques. She shares her enthusiasm by teaching at shops & fiber festivals and through her book Charts Made Simple. Her latest venture is, a website for viewing and creating grid-free charts of unparalleled fluidity, authenticity, & beauty. At, you can browse through a collection of over 500 stitch patterns, each displayed in the form of a stitch map. We're going to talk to her about her plans for the future of as well as the other cool stuff she's been up to. If you've met her, then you already know that JC is scary smart. She is also someone that I feel very lucky to call a friend. I hope you’ll join for us for this show so I can share this exceptional lady with all of you.