Episode 13 - Memories

caithnesscraftcollective show

Summary: Thanks for the memories this week in the blether.  We have a new competition which you can contact me at caithnesscraftcollective@googlemail.com or on Raverly as louisejhunt or Stichin Fingers as louise hunt. I have lots of news for you this episode and the textile technique is about dyeing yarn.   http://www.fibermania.blogspot.com/ I tell you a yarn about yarnsalad http://www.knitsbythesea.com/knitsbythesea/Yarns.html And we're sponsored by me at www.energyhunt.com oh and i'm now a twit on twitter so tweet me there at Caithnesscraft - no collective there it was too long for its tweety brain. And the music this week is from Marc Gunn, Wild Mountain Thyme and also Don't go drinking with hobbits from MusicAlley.com