Easier Documentation Searching with Dash

Screencasts – WP Theme Tutorial show

Summary: Part of being a great developer is simply knowing how to search for your current issue. There is no way I could keep all the documention for WordPress, PHP, jQuery, Sass...in my head. My typical workflow has been to simply Google for the term and then click the first link since it's usually the WordPress Codex entry. Wouldn't it be nicer to be able to search across many languages right out of your editor? How about StackExchange and Google results mixed right in? Well you can. It is called Dash Dash is a Mac App that is free to trial and has a $19.99 in app purchase. At it's simplest level dash is just a dedicated application to search documentation than includes Google Results and StackExchange results. Where it really gets powerful (and what convinced me to part with $19.99 in 2 minutes) is the integration with your editor. I use Vim so for me I hop on to GitHub and download the dash Vim plugin. That gives me access to the :Dash command from within my editor. :Dash wp_send_json will bring up all the json functions in WordPress with Google and Stackexchange right under. :Dash esc_ wordpress will give me all the escaping functions in WordPress (since I limited it) along with the Google and StackExchange results under it. If I wanted anything with esc_ in it then I'd omit the wordpress exclusion and I'd see PHP options as well. Installing documention is a simple as clicking download from the Dash preferences. Dash is awesome, go get it. Screencast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5k5I00cyDw