Getting EFT and Matrix Reimprinting out to the world-with Ann Adams

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Most people who learn about and experience the benefits of EFT & Matrix Reimprinting want to share this terrific method. All too often they run into opposition, whether simply disinterest or all the way to ridicule. Many EFTers cannot imagine why anyone would NOT want to adopt this wonderful innovation into their life, their family, their business, their agency or institution. People go through several stages before accepting any innovation. All too often those stages take way too long or certainly too long to help some of those whose life could have been better - or longer.  Why? What makes the difference? The timing in adopting any new idea varies by person, community & organization.  Ann Adams will talk about some of these factors & how you can speed up, or at least not hinder, the acceptance process in your environment. Please call in with your questions or email before the show and she will ask your questions. Ann Adams is an EFT Master Trainer, a coach & clinical social worker with over 35 years of experience in various administrative, training, public relations & clinical roles in the mental health system of Georgia.  She was the director of Gary Craig’s EFT Master Program until he closed the program. Your host, Karin Davidson, is a highly sought after speaker on using meridian tapping techniques for self help and helping others. She is certified hypnotherapist, a Reiki master, an EFT Trainer, the first Matrix Reimprinting Trainer in the USA, co-founder of the Meridian Tapping Techniques Association & co-author of the EFT Levels Comprehensive Training Resource coursebooks. Karin Davidson has video taped & produced over 100 training DVDs for EFT experts.