The Minutes - Episode 23

The Minutes with Mel and Patience show

Summary: Why would you leave paradise to go and eat mince meat? Let's talk The Drive In. #LikeaNurse you heard it here first! Cos neither Mel nor Pae want to party #LikeaBoss. At a The Minutes official outting to a certified Yelp event, Mel comes face to face with a her Memisis, do you mean Nemesis? No. What do eggs taste like? Well don't bother asking Mel cos she's in a food coma with a swollen tongue. Pae braves IKEA alone on school holidays. Mel buys a new computer but shames herself when she surrenders her embarrassing password. Buttle's late night public transport break down fuels her to holiday on which island? Barbara, Raven's 21st and the best DJ in the world.