Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan (01/20/14) my guest will be Rosemary Hill from Designs by Romi. Romi was born into a crocheting family and learned in preschool, but the call of the needles was always strong, and her mother finally relented & taught her to knit as well. It was love at first stitch. She knit off & on until 2002, when she resumed knitting passionately after a long hiatus, discovering the internet knitting community in the process. Learning to knit lace prompted the 2005 founding of her company, Designs by Romi, selling handmade shawl pins & sweater closures. She is currently working on a lace book for Interweave and 2 subscriptions: her latest Small Shawl eBook (Y4, also an app!) and The Great Oddments Knitdown. Her patterns have appeared in books, Interweave Knits, Knitscene, Knitty, and Twist Collective. Interweave Press published her first book: Elements of Style: Knit + Crochet Jewelry in late 2008. We’ll be talking about all of this as well as her Craftsy class! Besides being uber talented, Romi is also one of the sweetest people you could meet. I hope you’ll join us for this show.