Ms. Computer Lady Interviews Fellow BTR Host n Life After Dusk Live's Ceddy J

The Ms. Computer Lady Show--WMCL Internet Radio show

Summary: Get ready for one of the most anticipated interviews for 2014.  Can you say Life After Dusk Live?  Can you say Trilateral Radio Commission?  Can you say the Dusk Spot?  Does "Whenever there's a J, there's a way" ring a bell?  It will by the time this interview is over. Ms. Computer Lady gladly welcomes fellow BTR Host of the Show "Life After Dusk Live" and fellow Trilateral Radio Commission member, Mr. Ceddy J.  Ceddy will be discussing his start into Internet radio, his professional entertainment community "The Dusk Spot", the publication "Human Canvas Magazine", andand what indie artists need to do to survive the ever-changing technologies in the music industry. Don't miss this edition of the Ms. Computer Lady Show.