P&M 004: Physical Stagnation

Procrastination and Motivation show

Summary: You can call and leave a message at +1 (858) 859-3256, email us with a voice clip or text at podcast@tix-n-roo.com, or leave a comment on this post! We’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode (anything you’d like to add!) and we’re still looking for input about depression and long term chronic illness, as they relate to motivation and the tendency to procrastinate. I said I'd put some sources in the notes but I didn't really have any to begin with- Most of this is intuitive, or from personal experience, or common sense, and I went out of my way looking for examples of scientific reinforcement of the ideas expressed- so here are a couple, because I said that I would: Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect - this book is the reason that Matthew D. Lieberman was on Science Friday to talk about. Super interesting, hearing him on this subject, and this is the podcast for your listening pleasure. Walking Your Way to a Bigger Brain - Another Science Friday podcast, supporting the idea that, evolutionarily, walking is something we need to do.