Tear Down #24: The All CES Show

TearDownShow show

Summary: It's all CES, all the time! If you want to know what happened at CES, how the media covered it and whether CES is still relevant, we got it all for you in this episode. Our guests: Harry McCracken (www.twitter.com/HarryMcCracken), Editor-at-Large for TIME. Tim Street (www.twitter.com/1TimStreet), CEO of Ape Digital. And your regular beloved hosts: Michael Wolf (www.twitter.com/michaelwolf), the analyst, of NextMarket Insights David Spark (www.twitter.com/dspark), the brand journalist, of Spark Media Solutions. Our media disruptors of the week (you guessed it): CES! That's the media disruptor. No other media happened this past week than CES. Except for maybe the news that a few key speakers at RSA have bowed out to protest RSA's involvement with the NSA. Today’s topics: CES! We talked about our favorite technology at the show, how the media coverage of the show differed this year vs the past, some of the flops of the show (and reminisce about flops from years past) and how we think CES is holding up as the Tech Show To Meet All Tech Shows. Here are a few links to check out: Tech we're looking forward to in 2014: A realist's guide to CES - Wirecutter We Pick the 10 Best Gadgets at CES - Wired CES 2014: What we saw, what we loved, and what we'll remember - Ars Technica In Praise - Yes, Praise! - of CES - TIME - Harry McCracken Why CES 2014 Lacked a Big Bang (and Why That's OK) - AdAge Stop Trying to Judge CES - Wired And of course, some plugs: Download, read, and watch Tim's book Vids. Read all of TIME's CES coverage. Download David's new ebook for free, "58 Annoying Communications That Must End"