#22 – Is That Panda Red?

Azeroth Pirate Radio show

Summary: Discussion on heirloom items dropping off of Garrosh Hellscream in the new Siege of Orgrimmar raid set to be released in patch 5.4, what this means for the next expansion and how this could be a test bed for similar loot drops for future raids and expansions. Discussion Topic: Heirlooms dropping off the final raid boss of an expansion, the next Warcraft expansion and Naga Contact Details Email: azerothpirateradio@gmail.com Phone: (815) 293-7684 (815-AZEROTH) Twitter: @AzerothRadio Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AzerothPirateRadio Quori: @Quoriwow Ceraphus: @Ceraphus Member of EGO Networks - egonetworks.com Our Warcraft Guild: Phalanx of Nod - http://phalanxofnod.com