First Scare - Helean Lee

CHIRP Radio Podcasts show

Summary: <p> <img alt="" src="" style="width: 40%; height: 40%; float: right;">In  October,  the theme for CHIRP’s live lit and music series, The First Time, was <em>first scare</em>.</p> <p> Helean Lee is a CHIRP DJ, Chicago sports fan and self-admitted TV freak. And it was while watching TV, curled up in her “blanket burrito,” that Helean got her first scare, weeks after being hit by a motorcycle while she was crossing the street.</p> <p> Join us for our next First Time—First Lesson, at <a href="">Martyrs’</a> on January 15th. <a href="">Click here</a> for more information.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <em>Podcast produced by Mickey Capper</em></p>