Talk For Food – Spontaneous Evolution Co-Author, Steve Bhaerman Pt. II

Talk for Food – Adam Abraham show

Summary: This is a continuation of Adam’s conversation with Steve Bhaerman (, co-author of Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here, written with Dr. Bruce Lipton. Covering such subjects as trends in health care, the origins of Swami Beyondananda and evolution of his unique brand of humor, this conversation offers a rich helping of thought to nourish both the mind and heart. Compressing an incredible amount of information in a single title, Bhaerman and Lipton wove into Spontaneous Evolution, biological science presented by Lipton, with history, political science, sociology, history, Darwinism, psychology, spirituality, politics, and economics, into a common narrative that was 3 ½ years in the making. So comprehensive is the scope “We narrowed the book down to ‘the universe’ and beyond.” This is one conversation for the ageless.