How to Launch A Product You Love With the Love of Your Life!

Loving and Lasting Show show

Summary: Yoo Hoo Entrepreneurial Lovers - you are going to love this inspirational Love Story! Personal and professional wellness advocates Rinaldo and Lalla Brutoco have been keeping the passion alive in their marriage for over 30 years. Several years ago these two organic farmers from Ojai, California ran into a problem many couples face. What used to come naturally for us gals, no longer naturally does for itself. Yup, I’m talking about personal lubrication. The Brutoco’s went seeking a solution – and found it in their back yard: organic Aloe Vera. Rinaldo, a scientist at heart, knew about the anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties of Aloe, and he soon learned why Aloe is such a powerful lubricant, and why it has a healing effect on the vaginal tissue.  Frankly, I’m thrilled the Brutoco’s found a solution to their problem, because the product they created, Aloe Cadabra®, is my absolute favorite personal lubricant. This beautifully packaged, premium personal lubricant is made with 95% organic Aloe Vera and enriched with a special blend of natural ingredients for a smooth glide, silky feel and unbelievably pleasurable sensation. And it doesn’t leave a mess – anywhere! I’m so excited to share the Brutoco’s love story with you! Please visit Aloe Cadabra® to find out where you can purchase this love inspired product. They love hearing from customers, so be sure to connect with Aloe Cadabra® via Facebook and Twitter. I LOVE Happy Endings, don’t you?