STP 031: No Money? No Expertise? No Excuses! – Dane Maxwell of The Foundation

Shark Tank Podcast show

Summary: The World is an abundant place.  Dane Maxwell created the Foundation to inspire others to unleash their own greatness. I have been a fan of Dane's since I was introduced to him about a year or so ago.  I felt I could sympathize with his frustrations and challenges and was fascinated by the way he wrote his own story.  I wish I was at a point in life where I was helping people take life changing efforts.  I am not...Dane is. "What if everything you are trying to be, you already are?" ~ Dane Maxwell A great amount of our failure, sadness, disappointments, etc are a result of our own fears and limiting beliefs.  In addition we believe that we must be an expert, must know everything, or must have all the answers before we can get started.  Dane shatters all of these false beliefs and has created the Foundation to help others do the same.  His focus is on software.  He created a company called paperless pipeline without any experience, expertise, or EVEN AN IDEA.  Today it rakes in a minimum of 50k per month. How would this change your life? Do you believe you have the ability to do something like this?  Will you give yourself permission to accomplish life changing goals? Dane wants to share how he did it and I want to know what exactly you are waiting for? If you only listen to one show, if you only share one session with people you know...make it this one.  Enjoy! Session 31 is sponsored by: He talks about how to build a 7 figure in business in 2 years by teaching others how to free themselves. Check out his session HERE! Enter email here to be a Shark Tank Podcast Insider (Shark-In-Training)   Click here to send this post out as a Tweet>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Click here to check out the Shark Tank Podcast Facebook Page! (Brand New!) Click here to subscribe on ITUNES Right click here to download the MP3 to your desktop In this episode you will hear: How just learning about the Foundation completely changed my perspective of "whats possible" You don't have money, you don't have an idea, you don't have expert status...Dane has just the thing for that. The easiest way to make 10,000 dollars per month If you are thinking of ideas on your own, you are "doing it wrong" The complete roadmap of "Dane, what should I do to get started?"  MUST LISTEN! Why a great chiropractor can never earn as much as a great software guy/gal. Are you an "annoying guest or a "welcomed guest"?  Depends on what you bring to the table. The biggest mistake rookie's make when building their first project Burger King often builds right next to McDonald's, why do you fear competition? Dane's most successful product has 16 competitors.  SIXTEEN. Dane and I go deep into the abyss during the end of our chat.   We go full OPRAH, before she went crazy. Success will not complete you, unless you appreciate the things that money can't buy. Honestly this section could go for two pages, JUST LISTEN! Plus a whole lot more… Advice for entrepreneurs who haven't made it over the hump just yet:  If its your first time starting a business, your focus will be much more centered on your product then if it is your tenth time Businesses that specialize in getting customers have the inside track.  Always Add up the income of your 5 closest friends and divide it by 5.  That's how much you make. If you find yourself in a place of scarcity, that is a sign that you have a limited belief that needs to be corrected.  Start thinking in terms of abundance and not scarcity. Money is an amplifier.  Whatever you are running from will grow in size with your bank account. Items we talked about during the session: Enneagram - What a great tool!  I am a type 7 - what are you??  Post to comments! Experian Sam Ovens (Borrowed 500 bucks from his girlfriend to start his company - Risky Business) Drunk Wrestling Book that Dane currently recommends: Titan: The Life of John D.