STP 037: “Chasing the Big Pickle” with Lynnae’s Gourmet Pickles

Shark Tank Podcast show

Summary:   Who doesn't want pickles in their portfolio? These are both classic lines from Mr. Wonderful in the Shark Tank.  Well if they are Lynnae's pickles then "heck yes" you do.  Lynnae & Aly are two lovely ladies who make some of the best pickles on the planet.  The recipe was passed down from Lynnae's great-grandmother & three generations passed before the family members decided to monetize their passion. If you aren't willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary" Jim Rohn  (Lynnae) "Be content to act, leave the talking to others"  (Aly) Lynnae & her mother were making pickles for everyone they knew.  Do you know people like this?  Chances are they are sitting on an idea that could be turned into a viable business just like Lynnae & Aly.  I can't wait to try these pickles for myself  and I am excited to see where they take this business.  Our chat is lighthearted, entertaining, and inspirational, so enjoy!  Don't forget to check out their Indiegogo campaign AND the new SHARK TANK SWAG CONTEST featuring Lynnae's gourmet pickles. Jump IN! Session 37 is sponsored by: He talks about how to build a 7 figure in business in 2 years by teaching others how to free themselves. Check out his session HERE! Enter email here to become an insider (Shark In Training) Click here to send this post out as a Tweet>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Click here to check out the Shark Tank Podcast Facebook Page! Click here to subscribe on ITUNES Enjoy! Right Click Here to Download the MP3 In this episode you will hear: Lynnae & Aly got to lead-off season 5, but they didn't hear back when they first applied almost a year ago (Don't give up) The girls learned with only 5 days to spare that their pickles were headed into shark tank The women in Lynnae's family take their pickles very seriously, and have for generations Aly had to be vetted for 7 years before she could have a go at the pickle recipe and "officially" be part of the trust tree/the nest. (Gen. 29:18) Did Lynnae & Aly name their flavors after themselves??  "Hot Mama & Mrs. Pickles?"  Hmmmm..? What would Grandma Toots say if she were here? Learning the food industry from scratch and getting distribution - how is it done? What was their optimal deal going into the tank? Why are people obsessed with telling others what they cannot do? Lynnae has pickles on the shelf within 45 days of starting the company...thats hustle! Plus a whole lot more… Responses from the SHARKS: How did the producers know that Daymond doesn't like pickles?  Is that weird? Mr. Wonderful Predicts they won't be able to sell pickles for 7 dollars a jar Robert is Croatian, & they love pickles (Maybe my favorite part of the whole show!) Barbara was very gracious, but reassured them that they didn't need a shark Mark's line is his tell; The entrepreneurs dilemma The Shark Tank Effect: Target is reviewing their product to launch as part of their specialty line in April '14. Sales were very strong & website crashed more than once even though they had the server beefed up to handle 4 million visitors simultaneously.  Ba-Bam! Tuesday Mornings, Gordmans, Burlington (Pickles?) Factory, & possibly Costco! The Shark Cage: Don't be afraid to make mistakes, be fearless! Take action and adjust as you go Hesitation feeds your fears - Thank you Aly, this is a gem. Items we talked about during the session: Lynnae's Pickles Indiegogo capaign (lets help these ladies out!) KeHE Distributors (Product Distributor) Books that Lynnae & Aly recommend: Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't Party online with Lynnae's Pickles: Twitter Facebook Click here to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes and leave a review. Thank you for checking out the Shark Tank Podcast.  Hopefully you get a feel for how much I love the show and sharing this medium with fellow fans.  PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD!