Is The New Year The Perfect Time For An Old Film Camera – Episode 002

Mark’s Photography Spot-digital and film photography tips, tools, reviews, information and inspiration show

Summary: Welcome to a brand new year! Everything is shiny new and ready to experience. Is the new year the time to pick up an old film camera and improve your photography? I think the answer should be a resounding YES! I know that's a weird question but I think it's a valid one. The New Year always gets us thinking about doing things better and trying something new. I'm here to suggest that if you are passionate about photography and haven't ever (or in a vary long time) captured images with a film camera, then I want to suggesting that you seriously think about it. There are several reasons I make this recommendation. Not the least of which is: Film cameras are a different beast than digital cameras. Those differences can help you improve your photographic skill-set. In the last year of shooting film cameras in addition to digital, I have become a better photographer in several ways. I feel pretty confident that if you make the investment in film photography you will experience these same key benefits: 1. You are forced to slow down: 2. Cost is a factor every time you press the shutter 3. You have to be adaptable and flexible. 4. You will have a greater appreciation for your images: Because of the extra effort involved in film photography, every image you capture will be more valuable. 5. You will be part of the "cool crowd". This is an important point because if you take on the challenge of shooting with a film camera, especially an older vintage camera like the Rolleicord, you will attract some attention. I hope this has inspired you to at least consider the benefits you will receive when you introduce a film camera into your photography. I have realized a lot of benefit and I bet you will as well. Stay tuned for the next episodes where I will go into more detail on some suggested first film cameras and my tips for purchasing a film camera online. Until then... For complete show notes for this episode, visit I'd love to hear from you. Please let me know of any comments, suggestions or ideas that you have. Use the comments feature on this page Click the "Send Voicemail" tab on the right side of the page Email me at If you like, you can send me a real live paper letter at: Mark's Photography Spot, PO Box 922594, Norcross, GA 30010 In addition to contacting me from this blog using the links above. Or you can follow me on these other social media sites: Follow me on Google+: Follow the Mark's Photography Spot page on Google+: Check out the Mark's Photography Spot group on Flickr: