Baby for Sale, Immigration Overload and Snout at the Trough!

Europe Calling show

Summary: Maggie Atkinson, the Children's Commissioner for England, says pets and adults will continue to receive better protection unless parents smacking their children is outlawed.This woman and her like are helping to cause the misery which has now allowed children to become monsters. Get rid of this silliness..Punish the bad parents. These are the parents who are NOT checking their children. So what do parents do? An unnamed single mother has had both of her sons removed after posting an advert on Craigslist listing a baby for sale which she claims was a 'silly, silly joke. Could food be the cause of childrens' crying. It is an important issue especially as obese children have been taken away by social workers after being overfed by their families. We highlight a horrible case of child murder from America. On a lighter note a Labour MP, Shadow transport secretary Mary Creagh, has criticised Thomas the Tank Engine. She said that more female characters should be introduced to encourage girls to become train drivers! The press informs us that England has overtaken the Netherlands to become second only to tiny Malta as the most densely populated nation in the EU. This was early in the week and today they give us "After immigration controls are lifted this week, Britons could find their jobs are squeezed in some areas – while community tensions could rise as the new wave of migrants fight for work with other Eastern Europeans." Waste is on the agenda and Wolverhampton City Council has been accused of spending a fortune on producing leaflets, sent to residents asking them to sift through their waste for every scrap of wrapping paper after Christmas. One man without too much worry over expenditure is Bernard Gray, who was appointed as the Ministry of Defence to help manage the Waste budget, enjoyed 106 stays in London and Bristol hotels, for £23,000, despite living less than 60 miles from both.