Doctors Roonlighting in the UK

Europe Calling show

Summary: We're always reading about savage cuts in the NHS but NHS spending on management consultants has risen three-fold in a year. In the past six months, £40million has been paid out by various health service organisations, compared to £15million for the whole of last year. What is really happening? Whilst this money is being spent four in ten casualty departments are hiring family doctors to help deal with the soaring numbers of patients. These doctors are already paid an average £104,000 a year and now GPs are being paid nearly £1,500 a shift to work nights and weekends in crisis-hit Accident & Emergency units. A family in Cornwall narrowly escaped being swept into the sea when a 20ft wave washed over them as they were walking along a sea wall. What were the parents doing taking their children to watch these dangerous waves? A 12 year-old drug dealer, who was detained by police in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, was one of 209 children aged under 18 have been arrested for drug offences in the area in the last three years. How are these kids being stopped? The judges need to impose their authority and stop treating themselves as social workers. An elderly woman has been left with heavy bruising after being punched in the face by another resident at her care home on Christmas day. However, Dementia patients are unpredictable and the carers cannot always be there when violence occurs. Meanwhile there is spurious research from Denmark....Mothers who drink 90 or more units while pregnant tend to be the most well educated and have the healthiest lifestyles, say researchers in Copenhagen. This is a very strange piece of research. Finally, the author of a book asks us to imagine waking up to Britain in the first days of 1964. At first, you might well be surprised how different things were half a century ago. The author of the book claims we're still paying the price now for the new elite that came to power in Britain.