How to Build a Powerful Body of Work with Pam Slim

Good Life Project show

Summary: <a href=""></a> <a href="" target="_blank">Pam Slim</a> is an enigma... How can one person be so genuine, so deeply kind, so gentle, loving and accepting of people from any walk of life, and at the same time be a total badass, MMA black belt, flourishing entrepreneur, leader, career and life sage and author? Once you meet her, you get it instantly. There's a wisdom, an energy about Pam that fills a room and says "how can we all not be everything and more?" Whether it's mixed martial arts, entrepreneurship or helping gang prone kids find purpose, Pam Slim is here to inspire greatness and awareness. And she does this not with hyperbole or facade or grand promises, but from a place of deep grounding, practicality and humility. Over her career, she's worked with everyone from hippie software engineers to large investment firms, and the last decade or so has seen her emerge as a respected entrepreneur, sought-after keynote speaker and trainer and author who's here to make a bigger difference. Her new book,<a href=";qid=1388450090&amp;sr=1-1" target="_blank"> Body of Work</a>, dives deep into a set of questions I think about on a near-constant basis. Ones that can define both what you do with your life and how you serve others. What am I building, and how? Who am I serving, and why? What will I leave behind? In this week's episode, we dive into Pam's colorful journey from California kid, capoeira devotee and activist to corporate consultant and then entrepreneur who leads with a huge heart and a desire to make a real difference and help others do the same. In her words: "Living a full color, full contact life, embracing the richness and diversity of life. The good the bad the hard. Dealing with emotional aspects that enable full experiences and doing the work". Show Notes: <a href=";qid=1388450090&amp;sr=1-1" target="_blank"></a> The Ethical Dilemma of Consulting on Employee Retention and Shifting to Authoring Escaping from Cubicle Nation Her Career Path: Development Work in Latin America, San Francisco Exploratorium, Hippie Software Training Commune, Corporate Consulting for Large Investment Firm and a Capoeira Side Hustle On the Mindset Shift of Self Identifying as an Entrepreneur How Capoeira Led the Path to Community Activist Details of Capoeira = The Art of Fighting while Smiling Using Capoeira as a Tool to Unlock the Power of Disadvantaged Gang Prone Youth The Similar Struggle of Corporate Leaders and Gang Prone Youth - Finding their Vision Building a Navajo/Anglo Family Addressing Good vs. Bad of Entrepreneurship vs. Corporate Taking the Time to Understand our Parents Community Development Work Stories of How People Thrive in the New World of Work Learning Specific Tools: The Power of Story, Quickly Conceptualize and Create Things, How to Identify People to Learn From   You can listen to the full GLP Radio [audio-only] episode below, <a href="" target="_blank">subscribe over on SoundCloud</a> or <a href="" target="_blank">listen and subscribe on iTunes</a>. To get behind the scenes info and stay up to date with every episode subscribe to weekly e-mail updates in the form below. With gratitude, Jonathan