PODCAST: Philosophy Everyday 2 – Purposeful life and being cool

Philosophy Everyday » Podcast show

Summary: Here is episode two of the philosophy everyday podcast. In this podcast I discuss why it's important to live a purposeful life and what you can do if you find yourself surrounded by stuff that isn't in line with your true nature. I then talk about Justin Timberlake. Yes, thats right, I discuss JT on a podcast about philosophy. Show Notes Why creating a purposeful life is important. A story about a friend and a fire. A technique for you to use to start creating a purposeful life. Why Justin Timberlake is THE BEST!!! Why is being cool important? It's not for others, it's for you. Being cool is a mindset that is rewarding, relaxing, and empowering. Being cool helps you in life by opening more doors for you. Whether it's fair or not, how you are perceived is important. The best way to spread a good message (like philosophy) is to lead by example. Being cool is just... well, cool. What are the main ideas of being cool? Confidence in yourself and the ability to handle what comes up. How you present yourself (clean clothes, good hygiene). Story about a samurai. Class, manners, etiquette. Making sure others are comfortable. Taking what you do seriously, but not taking yourself too seriously. Philosophical quotes that support the idea of being cool. Passage from the Hagakure: “Among the maxims on Lord Naoshige's wall there was this one: 'Matters of great concern should be treated lightly.' Master Ittei commented, 'Matters of small concern should be treated seriously.' Among one's affairs there should not be more than two or three matters of what one could call great concern. If these are deliberated upon during ordinary times, they can be understood. Thinking about things previously and then handling them lightly when the time comes is what this is all about. To face an event and solve it lightly is difficult if you are not resolved beforehand, and there will always be uncertainty in hitting your mark. However, if the foundation is laid previously, you can think of the saying, 'Matters of great concern should be treated lightly,' as your own basis for action." - Hagakure, Page 27 Passage from The Emperor’s Handbook: “Don’t be a Caesar drunk with power and self importance: it happens all too easily. Keep yourself simple, good, pure, sincere, natural, just, god-fearing, kind, affectionate, and devoted to your duty. Strive to be the man your training in philosophy prepared you to be.” - Meditations, page 70, Book six, passage 30, Resources TECHNIQUE: Examine what is in your life now: What is in your life physically? Do you actively use the things you own? Are you keeping things around out of habit that you will most likely never use? Examine your friends? Are your friends in your life because they actively add to your life, or because they have just “always been there”? Examine your habits? Are these the types of habits that the best version of yourself would be doing? How do you spend your time? Did you actively choose these habits? Or have you gotten into a rut of just sitting down and watching TV because its “easy”. Books I reference: The Emperor’s Handbook by Marcus Aurelius The Hagakure Songs by Slayerment