Learning The Ropes In The World Of Arts

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p></p><p class="MsoNormal">The Jefferson Exchange: December 30, 2013 Hour 1A:</p><p class="MsoNormal"><b style="">Learning The Ropes In The World Of Arts</b></p><p>We want our students to do better in school, but budget cuts in recent years fell hard on offerings like art and music. And those offerings can be critical to the success of some students. The <a href="http://http/www.oregonartscommission.org/grants/connecting-students-world-work" target="_blank"><strong><span style="color: blue;">Oregon Arts Commission</span></strong></a> recently announced grants to bring knowledge of arts careers to those students through the "World of Work" projects. We hear about the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and other venues where the students will learn.</p>