FA112 - How Not To Suck As A Writer With Forbes.com Columnist Elisa Doucette

The Foolish Adventure Show | Internet Business Radio show

Summary: Focusing on a few key areas in your writing will dramatically improve your skill and help you engage on a deeper level with your readers. I’ve brought my friend and fancy-pants writer, Elisa Doucette, on to The Foolish Adventure Show to talk about un-sucking your writing. I felt she was better qualified than me to talk about becoming a better writer since she changed careers from insurance to professional writer. Elisa writes for Forbes.com and Forbes Women and has had her work published by Huffington Post, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and many more. She also writes for clients. If you need great content written then get in touch with Elisa. Inside this episode, Elisa helps us conquer getting ideas, writing with clarity, handling grammar and engaging with our readers. If you’re a blogger, or really anyone who has to communicate through writing, then you should listen in to this episode, take some notes and then put what you learn into action as soon as possible. Practicing your writing will make you a better writer.