Behind The Scenes At "Antiques Roadshow"

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p>The Jefferson Exchange: December 24, 2013, Hour 2:</p><p>The old saying "one person's trash is another's treasure" comes to life every week on the PBS television show <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>"Antiques Roadshow."   </strong></a>People from all over the country find curious items in their attics and basements, and find out they're worth a great deal of money. OR they find out that Grandma's prized silver tureen is really not worth much money. We get an inside look at the process of assigning value to antiques from Peter Pap, who works as an appraiser on the show.</p><p></p><div class="wysiwyg-asset-image-wrapper inset"><div class="wysiwyg-asset-image"></div></div>