Shelly Palmer Radio Report – December 24, 2013

Shelly Palmer Digital Living - Daily Radio Report show

Summary: It’s Christmas Eve, which means many of us are scrambling for last-minute holiday gift ideas for our family and friends. If you’re stuck in this position, you’re either a major procrastinator or just not sure what to buy for that last person on your list. If you’re like me, a lot of your friends are heavy into technology, but already have everything they could ever want. So what are you supposed to buy them? Think digital. They may already have the latest tablet or smartphone, but it’s always a great idea to give them content for that portable media player. Gifts like Netflix or Hulu Plus subscriptions, or even a year of Amazon Prime give them all the video content they could ever ask for. Even if they already subscribe to these services, these gifts will save them money down the road as they can add your gift onto their current plan. For the techie who has everything, it’s a matter of helping them plan for the future.