The Best of 2013: Flying Closer to the Sun with Seth Godin

Unmistakable Creative - Candid Conversations with Creative Entrepreneurs and Insanely Interesting People show

Summary: Seth Godin has made a career out of flying closer to the sun. When I asked him how ships so many amazing projects, he simply replied "This might not work is something I say to myself before I launch any project." I hope this conversation encourages and inspires to you try things that might not work,  fly closer to the sun, and make a ruckus.( * Why Seth has Always Changed the Status Quo with His Work * A Look at How We Became Brainwashed into Defending the Status Quo * The Amazing Resources at Your Disposal Today * Why You Can't Sell Average Stuff for Average People * The Mistake People Make When They Look at the Internet * The Commonalities Between the People Who Stand Out * Why Massive Amounts of Attention Are Not a Guarantee for Success * The Power of Connecting People to Each Other * Why Larger Bodies of Work Show People that You're Serious * The Role that Zig Ziglar Has Played In Seth's Work * The Importance of Training Yourself that Failure is OK * Why Every Goal Worth Pursuing Requires Other People * A Look Into EdgeCrafting and Redefining Categories * The Launch and Inception of The Domino Project * How Seth Launched The Domino Project * Involving Other People When You Want to Make a Ruckus Tweetable Insights Include: * I've had a habit of consistently trying to change the status quo with my work (Click to Tweet ( * Part of my work is unbrainwashing people (Click to Tweet ( * Mass attention is almost unattainable and if you can have it, it's not clear that you want it (Click to Tweet ( * If it's a project and you know it's going to end, you might as well make a ruckus (Click to Tweet ( Seth Godin is the founder of  (, an author, and blogger. You can follow him on twitter @ThisIsSethsBlog (  If you liked this article, would you share it with your friends? Just click here ( to post it to Twitter. Oh, and we’d be really grateful if you write us a review in iTunes. (