Sidney Musai Walter: 12-18-2013: Beyond Language

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast show

Summary: Episode Description: This rich talk given by Roshi Musai centers around our usage of language, but touches on many aspects of our lives and practice. Musai opens by mentioning the case of Vasumitra's transmission from the Denkoroku. Wherein Vasumitra describes the truth that can not be discussed, where words and language are not useful. However language is also enormously important in that "there are obviously truths that can be facilitated or realized or promoted through language." So what sort of truth is Vasumitra referring to? If one wants to realize what Buddha realized, if one wants to awaken to one's buddha nature, "language, words and discussion are not going to help." Musai moves on to discuss the nature of self. That "knowing is the realm of the self", while not-knowing is most intimate. The realm of not-knowing is Vasumitra's truth. Musai continues by offering his own experiences hiking both on an off trail as a metaphor for knowing and not-knowing. That one must leave the path to truly be intimate with a place. To practice not-knowing it is crucial that we surrender. The talk concludes with Roshi Musai answering a number of questions from the audience. BIO: Roshi Sidney Musai Walter began Zen Practice in 1970 with Shunryu Suzuki Roshi at San Francisco Zen Center. After living at Tassajara Zen Monastery, then studying with Chogyam Trungpa, Rimpoche, Musai became a student of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, at Zen Center of Los Angeles. He practiced with Maezumi Roshi until that teacher’s death in 1995, when he became a student of Jitsudo Ancheta Sensei, a dharma successor of Maezumi Roshi.In 1996, Jitsudo Sensei and Musai founded Hidden Mountain Zen Center in Albuquerque. In January of 1999, Musai received Dharma Transmission from Jitsudo Sensei. Since 2002, Musai has been studying the Big Mind process with Genpo Roshi, also a dharma successor of Maezumi Roshi. Musai has received denkai transmission (full priest empowerment) and authorization to teach the Big Mind process from Genpo Roshi. In 2008 Musai received inka, the final seal of approval, from Genpo Roshi. Musai is now retired from a career as a psychotherapist and family therapist. He will continue to teach at Prajna Zendo and spend more time wandering through the mountains and canyons of Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado.