Discovering your Niche in Your EFT Practice

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Have you found your niche? If you haven’t, is not knowing what your niche is holding you back from developing your business? Join Annabel and her guest, Ingrid Dinter, as they discuss how to find your niche in your EFT Practice. Ingrid will talk about the 4 types of spiritual entrepreneurs. Our strongest type defines our goals and successes in life and business. Bringing the 4 types together allows EFT Practitioners to build a strong business while doing what they love. You’ll learn how to transform your personal story, so that your niche reflects your unique gifts and story without triggering you. Ingrid Dinter is a business coach for coaches and healing professionals, and a Level 3 EFT Certification trainer. She has been using EFT for 12 years and has been helping hundreds of clients with EFT and coaching. Ingrid has coauthored several books, research studies and articles about EFT. She is a motivational speaker, teaching her audience how they can get unstuck from volunteering and get paid for what they love. Annabel Fisher created a 6-figure business after clearing many limiting beliefs including the biggest: “People who are very ill can’t afford to pay for my services”. A Certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, she now focuses her attention on mentoring her students to become masterful Certified EFT & MR Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. To learn about her Complete EFT Practitioner Certification Program or find out about her EFT Practice mindset mentoring service please visit, please visit