The Specific Carbohydrate Diet: PODCAST

Primal Diet - Modern Health show

Summary: This diet changed my life.  It's very similar to Paleo and Primal, but is decades older. And like all good things, many of us have tinkered with it to make it even better. Jordan Reasoner and Steven Wright of SCD Llifestyle have devoted themselves to this diet and have zillions of loyal fans who have had their Irritable Bowel, Chron's, chronic diarrhea and more resolve using their guidelines on customizing the diet.  I had them on MY radio show in 2012, and they had me on THEIR show.  The link here is to THEIR show, so enjoy listening to our helpful talk on Food Challenges and more.  You may also enjoy the original book "Breaking The Vicious Cycle" and the original SCD website. Here's the Intro Jordan and Steve wrote to our show.... "As a Clinical and Holistic Nutritionist, Beverly has used the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) to treat countless clients, including forwarding her own health recovery. When she invited us to appear on her "Primal Diet - Modern Health" radio show a while back, we jumped at the chance to compare notes about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. We quickly discovered we aligned on so many levels that a one hour radio show wasn't going to be enough. We invited her back on our podcast to keep the discussion going and go into detail about what to do when SCD isn’t working. If you’re following this diet and feeling stuck, or your symptoms still control your life, listen to Beverly and I share our experiences helping people find a custom diet that works for their body. In this podcast with Beverly, you’ll learn: 1:51 Beverly’s journey to health and how she found SCD 9:40 Common mistakes starting the diet 15:01 What to do if you’re starving all the time 18:08 Avoid these problematic foods when you’re stuck 30:08 Common tweaks people make to put symptoms in check 34:51 How to find more of Beverly’s work