Causes of Constipation

Primal Diet - Modern Health show

Summary: Here's 15 reasons for a slow bowel. Or more... If you're one of the fifty percent who struggle with this issue, either daily or at random (Irritable Bowel anyone?), this podcast may change your life! Seriously! Like all matters in Natural Health (or Modern Health as I call it in my podcast title "Primal Diet - Modern Health"), getting to the cause of something is the goal.  Symptomatic support is OK for a while, but when the body talks to you, symptoms are how it expresses a problem.  Work your way through this list and you're going to find and change something impacting your whole body. Your job?  Be a detective and figure out what makes it better, and what makes it worse.  Here's some of the areas I explore in this recording.  Pass it on to friends and family who need some help and they'll love ya'! 1).  They don't call it GLUE-TEN for nothing.... Gluten turns flour and water into gluey paste, OK?  So, why are you putting glue in your colon? 2).  The thyroid sets the pace for every body system, and for some people, low thyroid function is a main cause of slow bowel.  Here's how to get the right blood work to test it. 3).  Bacteria - too many, too few, in the wrong place.  Along with other visitors such as yeast and parasites.  Surprisingly, taking handfuls of Probiotics might not be the right thing to do. 4).  Genetics:  is your colon malformed?  How do you know? 5).  Side-effects of medicines, herbs, insufficient water and fat. 6).  Let me introduce you to the Ileo-Cecal valve.  It might need some help. 7).  GABA, stress, and the neurotransmitters have a huge impact on digestion.  Listen in to understand this often overlooked key player.  I have multiple blog posts on this issue as well as several podcasts.  This is great stuff!  Go here, here, here and here for starters. And there's much more here.  I talk about FIBER, doing a SALT FLUSH, coffee enemas, the gallbladder (or lack of), digestive enzymes, and 5 Supplements I sell that may be a big help.  Thanks for reading, for listening, and please add a comment if I've forgotten any other causes of constipation... Best wishes,   Beverly