Why Was Using EFT and MR for Cancer Faster than with Fibromyalgia

EFT Radio  show

Summary: Why Was Using EFT and MR for Cancer Faster than with Fibromyalgia - This one question took quite a bit of time to answer thoroughly... including Meta-Medicine, German New Medicine, issue strings, chronic issues, how disease starts and how long healing can take - listen for yourself! Also on this show was using The Body Code and Emotion Code on hip pain. Karin Davidson, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Trainer, will use Matrix Reimprinting and other healing modalities like Reiki, the Emotion Code, Access Consciousness, Meta-Medicine and more to work with callers on painful past events, bothersome issues, and even pain.  Call in or log in by computer. Karin is a highly sought after speaker on using meridian tapping techniques for self help and helping others. She is certified hypnotherapist, a Reiki master, an EFT Trainer, the first Matrix Reimprinting Trainer in the USA, co-founder of the Meridian Tapping Techniques Association and co-author of the EFT Levels Comprehensive Training Resource coursebooks. Karin was a TV Producer and host who chose to use her award-winning talents to help spread tapping techniques to the world. Karin Davidson has video taped and produced over 100 training DVDs for EFT experts. Find out more information at: www.HowToTap.com, www.MatrixReimprintingUS.com and www.EFTcert.com Please keep yourself safe.  Do not attempt to work on any issues that may trigger you to be out of control. These healing modalities are not used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder and is not a replacement for professional medical or mental treatment.