Scoble says we aren’t operating in context

be intrepid. show

Summary: Reading this via email? Click here to listen NOW! Wow, what a whirlwind conversation, not your usual fare on Intrepid Radio! I was out of breath when this one wrapped. 30 minutes was simply not enough time to cover what needed to be covered with today's guest. Joined today by Robert Scoble. Robert is a renowned blogger, technical evangelist, and best-selling author. He joined me today to discuss his latest work, Age of Context: Mobile, Sensors, Data, and the future of Privacy, co-authored with Shel Israel. Learn more about Scoble here. The key questions raised during today's conversation with Scoble: 1. What exactly is the age of context? And why does context matter? 2. How does the age of context impact business: from the Fortune 500 to the home-based solopreneur? 3. Is the average consumer on the street even really aware of this new age? Are they effectively tapping into the technology around them? Are they paying enough to this impactful change? 4. Explain the five forcing the age of context: mobile, big data, sensors, location-based technology, and social media. "If your organization isn't thinking mobile, you are already way behind..." 5. Is one of these five forces? Is one less mature, and thus, more apt to see dramatic short-term change? 6. Why (and how) are wearable technologies changing everything? 7. What's the more important question here: Are businesses taking full advantage of the age of context? Or are consumers prepared to accept what the new age means to them and how they go through life? 8. For the age of context to thrive, do we have to surrender our privacy and embrace transparency? Is the average consumer ready and willing to do this? The general public loves how technology can improve their life, but they hate the personal data taken to make it, are we hypocrites? 9. Trust will become the new currency; so what are the conditions with which Scoble will feel that an organization has earned the necessary trust to survive in the modern age? 10. Help me understand how cutting-edge companies like Uber are leveraging the age of context? And help me understand how major international brands like Ritz-Carlton are NOT? 11. Finally, can the modern day business organization survive long-term without adopting and adapting into the age of context? You can find Scoble's book here (affiliate link): ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Robert Scoble, please SUBSCRIBE to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 103.