Celebrating a Great year of Many Successes!


Summary: This has been a great year filled with many wonderful surprises.  Along with  the success of being a chapter in  Gabrielle Glaser's book  Her Best Kept Secret, Why Women Drink and How They Can Regain Control, being on Katie Couric this summer, raising the money on indie gogo so I could continue making the film with a more professional look, connecting with Producer Michael Kuehnert who has greatly helped me continue making the film, then being accepted by the IDA to be my fiscal sponsor so I can raise funds in a nonprofit way, hiring a great editor, Barry Rubinow to make the new 7.5 min trailer and see the final pieces of the puzzle coming together to finish and release the film sometime this coming 2014. It will be my last show of the year to talk about all I learned this year including who I will promote as my favorite authors and favorite for profit Addiction treatment programs. I also have my recommendations for nonprofit help as well. You know me....:) Thanks for all your support and blogging here.