Retroist Podcast – Episode 151 – The Secret of My Success

Retroist Podcast show

Summary: On today's show I talk all about the eighties Michael J. Fox comedy, "The Secret of My Success". I talk about the plot, the talent behind and in front of the camera, the planned sequel and much more. I am joined this week by Retroist regular Vic Sage who tells you why you should know the actor Richard Jordan. Music on the show was provided by Peachy (the Michael A. Fox of Wales), if you have musical needs, why not contact Peachy at And "like" him on his Facebook Page. If you have a moment please stop by iTunes, Stitcher, Zune or wherever you might download the show and perhaps give the show a quick rating. It would be much appreciated. If you have any suggestions for topics you would like for me to cover in the future, email them to me at You can also follow me on Twitter at and on Facebook at [iTunes] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in iTunes (MP3) [Zune] Subscribe to the Podcast directly in Zune Marketplace (MP3) [RSS MP3] Add the Retroist Podcast feed (in MP3) to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically [MP3] Download the MP3 directly [OGG] Download the OGG directly If you have any suggestions for topics you would like for me to cover in the future, email them to me at You can also follow me on Twitter at and on Facebook at You can use the subscription button below to add the show to your favorite news reader or subscribe to show directly through iTunes. Thanks for listening and enjoy the show. To download this show, click the mirror links below. If you are interested in hosting a mirror of this episode, please drop me an email at with the URL of the file. It would be very appreciated. Episode Mirror #1 Episode Mirror #2 (ogg format)