5: Gillibrand. Rape in the military. NSA World of Warcraft.

The Good Fight, with Ben Wikler show

Summary: <div id="magicdomid130" class="ace-line gutter-author-p-89578 emptyGutter"><span class="author-p-89578">Senator Kirsten Gillibrand brings us inside her fight against military sexual assault. She's joined by Navy veteran Trina McDonald, whose story will break your heart—and then put it back together stronger.</span></div> <div id="magicdomid17" class="ace-line longKeep gutter-noauthor"> </div> <div id="magicdomid18" class="ace-line gutter-author-p-89578 emptyGutter"> <span class="author-p-89578">If you saw Trina in the Oscar-nominated documentary </span><span class="author-p-89578 i"><em>The Invisible War, </em></span><span class="author-p-89578">you've probably already realized it: you can't miss this episode. And if you've been reading about Senator Gillibrand and her battle to change the military justice system, this is where you'll find out why she'll never give up. </span> </div> <div id="magicdomid19" class="ace-line longKeep gutter-noauthor"> </div> <div id="magicdomid20" class="ace-line gutter-author-p-89578 emptyGutter"> <span class="author-p-89578">Plus, before that story, it's everything you love about </span><span class="author-p-89578 i"><em>The Good Fight</em></span><span class="author-p-89578">: a mind-bending descent into our secret underground studio, a glimpse of the NSA's World of Warcraft video game infiltration operation, and a classic Win Report with Garlin Gilchrist II of MoveOn.org. Plus an update on the fast food worker uprising. Tune in, fight back, and spread the word: episode 5 is the best Good Fight yet. </span> </div>