Fairdinkum Radio 12.12.13

Fairdinkum Radio show

Summary: 12.12.13 Fairdinkum Radio Show mp3 Episode 414. Fairdinkum Commentary This week in commentary we look at: Holden and Globalisation. Telstra hoovers your data for government  World Trade Organisation achieves historic trade deal in Bali Ratted out: Scientific journal bows to Monsanto over anti-GMO study, The Mandela Myth  A Dangerous & Absurd Disconnect: “Everything on the Internet Should Be Free!” This week in episode # 414, we reflect on the progress of Fairdinkum Radio in 2013. What is the future of Alternative Media in Australia? Do the ever increasing growing number of awakened people appreciate and want alternative media? Are they willing to support it to grow and prosper into the future? We examine the concept amongst many that everything must be free? Video here: 12.12.13 Fairdinkum Commentary mp3 Episode 413. GMO Seeds of Destruction - William Engdaul William Engdaul joins Leon to discuss the aims and origins of GMO in food and agriculture. We discuss the aims of Globalist Corporations to control and dominate food resources worldwide. F. William Engdahl is an award-winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant, author, professor and lecturer. He has been researching and writing about the world political scene for more than thirty years. His various books on geopolitics—the interaction between international power politics, economics and geography—have been translated into 14 foreign languages from Chinese to French, from German to Japanese. More: GMO Seeds of Destruction - William Engdaul mp3 Episode 412. Electoral Fraud - Mark Aldridge Mark Aldridge joins us to discuss the massive electoral fraud that he has witnessed in recent elections in SA. Mark has been a community advocate for over fifteen years and is advocating for reforms in the electoral system. Mark is a strong voice for Australia and we the people, advocating for Farmers, true Democracy and a human liberties. Mark has been arrested, harassed and intimidated by Police, Organs of the state, Political parties, Media and other entities. We welcome his stand and advocacy. Electoral Fraud - Mark Aldridge mp3 Episode 411. Cashless Is About Data & Control – Not Convenience By Carrol-Ann Edwards In Australia we are willingly embracing going cashless. Already 86% of our spending uses digital money. But have we noticed what we are really paying for the convenience? In the Globalist Dictionary of Double Speak & Quackery, going cashless is not about convenience, it is about data and control. Read Article. Cashless Convenience? -  CA Edwards mp3