Fiber Hooligan show

Summary: On the next edition of Fiber Hooligan (12/09/13) my guest will be the very talented Amy Herzog. Amy is passionate about sweaters people love to wear. She is the author of Knit to Flatter and designs sweaters that flatter the figure and are easy to modify. She is also a knitting expert on American Public Television’s “Knit and Crochet Now”. She teaches classes across the country and on, and her figure-flattering pattern designs have been published in Twist Collective, Knitscene, Interweave Knits, Knitty, and more. After several years of teaching knitting classes, she realized that knitters will skip modification math if they can but would really like to wear sweaters that fit them well. So she created CustomFit, a website that produces custom sweater patterns. It can be found at Amy will be with us to talk about all of that, the Opening Day presentation she's planning for STITCHES South, and much more.  This will be a great show. I hope you'll join us.