The Injustice System show

Summary: Interview with former CIA Micheal Scheuer A very revealing interview with ex-Michael Scheuer Michael Scheuer was a CIA employee for 22 years, whose duties included being head of the Osama bin Laden unit, from its inception in 1996 until 1999. He also authored two books anonymously, until being identified by the media in the summer of 2004. His second book, Imperial Hubris was extremely critical of the War on Iraq, and the policies of GW Bush, which Sheuler viewed as being a plus for Al Qaida. Alexander Ritzmann Discusses Terrorist Threats With Dr. Jackson Janes Former DAAD/AICGS Fellow Alexander Ritzmann of the European Foundation for Democracy discusses existing terrorist threats and how the West can help Muslims overcome radicals with Dr. Jackson Janes of AICGS.