Women on the Margins: Incarceration and Resistance in the Current Era

The Injustice System show

Summary: Left Forum 2009 Women on the Margins: Incarceration and Resistance in the Current Era 19 April 2009 Pace University NYC Laura Whitehorn (former political prisoner and senior editor of POZ Magazine), Diana Block (California Coalition for Women Prisoners, The Fire Inside newsletter and author of Arm the Spirit: A Woman's Journey Underground and Back) and Joanne Macri (Immigrant Defense Project) Soffiyah Elijah - human rights attorney, Harvard Law School Criminal Justice Institute Victoria Law - Books Through Bars NYC, author of Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women and Tenacious zine A discussion about women, incarceration and resistance and why this issue is important at this point in time. We will challenge the audience to think about incarceration not just as imprisonment, but also other ways that women (such as immigrants) are locked away and how their experiences and issues may differ from both women in prison and immigrant men. www.leftforum.org/ http://www.archive.org/details/WomenOnTheMarginsIncarcerationAndResistanceInTheCurrentEra