Winter Safety & Self Reliant Living Made Real

Preparedness Radio Network (PRN) show

Summary: One of Jim’s professional specialties since 1984 has been cold weather safety and survival.  This over the air radio series will draw upon material from formal classes he’s been teaching since 1984 when he authored the course “Without Fire Or Shelter™” (WOFOS).  After a couple of years he was in demand by industrial clients to teach winter safety to their workers, and for them he tailored the class “Winter Safety Made Real™” (WSMR). In 1992 Jim began taking his industrial clients into the field to give them real-world hands-on experience in severe conditions. Jim significantly revised, expanded and updated the WOFOS class in 1999 and renamed it “Winter Without Worries™” Jim Phillips is a nationally known speaker and teacher who has professionally taught thousands of classes all across the United States for 40 years.  For a number of years prior to this career, his hobby was teaching cold weather safety & survival.  Jim is a strong advocate of self-reliance living and family preparedness.  He developed an entire preparedness curriculum by asking himself the question "What if?" and then setting out to discover what actually does and does not work.  The answers he seeks (and then teaches) must be based on true principles derived from first hand experience.  Above all else, he believes that attitude and practical knowledge is more critical to survival than having a bunch of "stuff." (“Who you are and what you know is far more important than what you have.”)  He encourages his students to develop a powerful positive purpose and mission to focus on in order to carry them through the serious challenges of life. Visit